Sparkle Builds and Teams for Honkai Star Rail, Traces Priority, Main and Sub Stats for Items

Sparkle Kit, Leveling Mats, Builds (Relics, Light Cones, Traces priority, recommended Stats) and best Teams in Honkai: Star Rail

In this article you will find everything about Sparkle, starting from Ascension and Trace materials, leveling calculator, kit and Eidolons, Builds and Teams.

Scroll down to find his best TEAMS and BUILDS or use CTRL+F to search into the article.

Best Sparkle Builds

Best Relics, Planar Ornaments and Light Cones for Sparkle in Honkai: Star Rail

Best Relics, Ornaments and Light Cones for Sparkle (Quantum/Harmony):

Rank Relics Ornaments Light Cones Type
S Messenger Traversing Hackerspace
Messenger Traversing Hackerspace x4
Broken Keel
Broken Keel
Earthly Escapade Image
Earthly Escapade
Limited Gacha
A Eagle of Twilight Line
Eagle of Twilight Line x4
Penacony, Land of the Dreams
Penacony, Land of the Dreams
But the Battle Isn
But the Battle Isn't Over
Starlight Exchange
B Past and Future Image
Past and Future
Echo of War
Forgotten Hall
C Star Rail - Dance! Dance! Dance! Light Cone
Dance! Dance! Dance!

Sparkle Stats Priority for Items

Best Relics and Planar Ornaments main stats and substats for Sparkle in HSR

Recommended ENDGAME Stats for Sparkle (Quantum/Harmony):

  • HP: 4000 - 4500+

  • DEF: 800 - 1000+

  • CRIT DMG: 175 - 210%+

  • Energy Regen: 119.44%+

  • SPD:

    • 1-2 Speed slower than the carry if you're playing the -1 Speed Sparkle,

    • 160+ Speed if you're playing Hyperspeed Sparkle.

Stats Priority for Sparkle (Quantum/Harmony):


    • Body: Crit DMG

    • Feet: Speed

    • Sphere: HP% / DEF%

    • Rope: Energy Regen Rate


  • SPD (breakpoint OR build) > CRIT DMG% > HP = DEF = EFF RES% (30% if using Broken Keel)

Sparkle (Quantum/Harmony) Traces Priority:

What Traces to Level up first for Sparkle in Honkai: Star Rail:

  • Skill

  • Ultimate

  • Talent

  • Basic attack

Build Fast Sparkle

Pair Sparkle with Slow DPS characters such as: Imbibitor Lunae or Qingque.

This way the DPS will go next after Sparkle uses her Skill. It is recommended to use ATK% Feet on the DPS instead of SPD.

Build Slow Sparkle

In this Build the DPS will attack before and after Sparkle's turn. It is recommended to pair Sparkle with fast DPS.

Slow Sparkle performs the best if she is around 1 SPD lower than the DPS.

Best Sparkle Teams

Best F2P (free-to-play) and other team comps for Sparkle in Honkai: Star Rail

Team 1 (F2P) Support DPS Support Healer
Star Rail - Sparkle
Star Rail - Qingque
Star Rail - Asta
Star Rail - Lynx
Team 2 (Mono) Support DPS Sub-DPS Utility
Star Rail - Sparkle
Star Rail - Qingque
Star Rail - Silver Wolf
Silver Wolf
Star Rail - Fu Xuan
Fu Xuan
Team 2 (Hypercarry) Support DPS Support Healer
Star Rail - Sparkle
Star Rail - Imbibitor Lunae
Imbibitor Lunae
Star Rail - Tingyun
Star Rail - Luocha
Team 3 (Duo DPS) Support DPS DPS Utility
Star Rail - Sparkle
Star Rail - Seele
Star Rail - Xueyi
Star Rail - Fu Xuan
Fu Xuan
Team 4 (Hypercarry) DPS Nihility Harmony Utility
Star Rail - Acheron
Star Rail - Pela
Star Rail - Sparkle
Star Rail - Fu Xuan
Fu Xuan

Sparkle Tips and Tricks:

  • Sparkle’s main roles is to support.

  • Skill Advances an ally forward by 50%.

  • Talent Increases the Skill Point Cap to 7.

  • Ultimate Recovers 4 Skill Points.

Are you looking for other Character builds as well? Click or tap the button to see more.

Sparkle Detailed Summary of Build Materials and Leveling Calculator:

Below you can find the total amount of materials and credit needed to power level Sparkle from Level 1 to Level 80.

SPARKLE is BUSTED! My DPS can go 3 TIMES IN 1 TURN | 0-Cycle MoC | Team, Builds & Secret Tip | HSR |

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a Harmony Character in Honkai: Star Rail?

  • Harmony are the Offensive or Utility Support units and rely on applying Buffs to other units.

What is a Quantum Character in Honkai: Star Rail?

  • Quantum is the Element type with Entanglement Weakness Break Effect β€” this effect delays the enemy's action after their toughness bar is depleted, it’s a 5 attack stack DoT and explodes at the start of enemy turn.

Is Sparkle Hanabi Free to Play in Honkai: Star Rail?

  • Every character in HSR is F2P if you are lucky enough to get them in their Limited or Permanent Banners. There are no microtransaction costs after acquiring them.

Is Spakle Limited or Permanent character in Honkai: Star Rail?

  • Sparkle Hanabi is a Limited Character in HSR and can be acquired in Second Phase of version 2.0 from Sparkling Splendor Limited Time Event Warp

How to get Sparkle Hanabi in Honkai: Star Rail?

  • You can pull Sparkle in the Second Phase of Version 2.0 from Sparkling Splendor Event Warp

How to build Sparkle Hanabi in Honkai: Star Rail?

  • Best builds and teams for Sparkle will be added soon after her release.

What are the best Teams for Sparkle Hanabi in Honkai: Star Rail?

  • Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae or Qingque as DPS, Tingyun as Support and any other Healer fits perfectly with Sparkle playstyle because of her Ultimate that extends the Skill points cap to +2.

When does Sparkle Hanabi release date in Honkai: Star Rail?

  • Sparkle Hanabi release date was February 29 2024 Verion 2.0 Penacony Update

I hope you found this helpful. Thanks for reading!

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