MisterMenPlays.com Disclosure Policy

Last Updated: 27th of September, 2024

At MisterMenPlays, all the content featured on our website is sourced from actual gameplay. In cases where external sources have provided inspiration, they have been carefully selected and properly credited.

With this in mind, our top priority is to always provide the best, high-quality content to help you stay on top of the game!

Editorial & Disclosure Policy

At mistermenplays.com, our goal is to help you find the best resource for your next gaming adventure.

Editorial Policy & Guidelines

Mistermenplays.com helps reach your goal in a number of ways including Guide and how-to articles, gear recommendations, and overall gaming advice and inspiration. 

Ultimately, we want you to make the best decisions for when it comes to your favourite game — and we can only help you do that when we know what we’re talking about.

Each article we publish might not come perfect but it has hours of research, writing, fact-checking and editing behind it.

Product Review & Roundups: How They Work

Our reviews at mistermenplays.com are an ever-changing process and this is how it works throughout the site.

First, we only work with writers who are experienced and knowledgeable in the category. Then, we’re committed to testing the actual product. You won’t find reviews that come from aggregated online information — not our style.

Instead, we write our product reviews and roundups based on hands-on testing. We request samples from the various PR agencies and in some cases, we buy the testing samples ourselves. Every printed thought and opinion comes from this testing, and not from other reviews online or third-party information.

We do not accept guest posts or link insertions. If a brand or product pays us to write an article, it will be clearly marked as #ad a.k.a “sponsored content.”

Affiliate Links 

Some product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission.

However, affiliate partnerships do not affect inclusion in our reviews and stories. Say for example a brand tests well or we personally use the product and we are happy with it, we will 100% still include them.

In the long run affiliate links help support the project and allows us to create more content like this. Our main goal is to consistently deliver the highest quality content to help you stay ahead in the game! Thank you for the support and please do your own research before making any important decisions. You and only you are responsible for any and all digital marketing decisions you make. Thank you for reading!