New 7-Day Login Legendary, New Fusions and Event Dungeon coming to RAID

Hi everyone! We have some really awesome news for Raid Shadow Legends! We are going to get a new 7-day Login Legendary for FREE, a New Fusion Champion and a New Event Dungeon Event where we can farm one of the best Artifact Sets in the game. Find out everything below!

Everything New Coming to RAID

The clock is ticking. January 8th, 2025 will be a very special day.

5 New Champions will join Telaria.

New Fusion on January 8th: MAD HATTER

In couple of hours we will be able to start the new Fusion Event for the Mad Hatter Champion.
This Legendary is a a mixed Fusion and will released at the same time with everything else new on 8th January 2025. Check out the announcement below.

Plarium Announcement: One of the five themed Legendary Champions will be obtainable via a mixed Fusion Event, that will launch on January 8th. The Legendary Champion is a Force Support an it belongs to Knights Revenant Faction.

The new Legendary has a very interested toolkit. It’s Versatile in PVE, specializing in spreading de-buffs and empowering allies with healing, buff extension, and Turn Meter Boosts.

Fusion Difficulty and what to expect:

  • Mixed Fusion.

  • Fusion difficulty - HARD.

  • 4 Rank 5/Level 50 Ascension 5-Stars Epic Champions will be needed.

  • 16 Rank 4 Chickens needed.

New Event Dungeon


The Event Dungeon doors will open once again, with a brand new enemy to fight. In the new Dungeon you will be able to farm one of the BEST Artifact Sets in the game alongside a few of the newly introduced Relics.

Pinpoint Artifact Set—9pc

The Pinpoint Set is one of the best Artifact Sets in Raid Shadow Legends and it’s highly sought after. Here is the Set breakdown:

  • 1pc – +20 ACC

  • 2pc – +10% Speed

  • 3pc – +20 ACC

  • 4pc – Starts the Round with 1 Intercept Stack

  • 5pc – +10% Speed

  • 6pc – Starts the Round with 2 Intercept Stacks

  • 7pc – +20 ACC

  • 8pc – +12% Speed

  • 9pc – Starts the Round with 4 Intercept Stacks

Event Dungeon: Relics

Two new Relics (Epic and Legendary Rarity) will be added to the game.

During this Event players will be able to obtain unique craft materials for these Relics in some of the Tournaments and Events.

Everyone can participate in the first Event Dungeon Tournament to get an Epic Relic from Milestones.

Stored Relic: Epic

The wearer receives 5% less damage from enemies whose ATK is lower than the wearer’s. Also inflicts 5% more damage to enemies whose MAX HP is lower than the wearer’s.

  • Level 2: Damage Modifier +1%

  • Level 3: Damage Modifier +1%

  • Level 4: Damage Modifier +1%

  • Level 5: Damage Modifier +1%

  • Level 6: Damage Modifier +1%

Gemstone Slots: 1x Triange, 1x Square

Stats: +6,120 HP / +204 ATK / +11% C.DMG

Dungeon Boss Stats and Skills

The Boss is a new collab Villain from Alice in Wonderland. Here’s everything we know so far.

Event Boss Skills

  • Skill 1:

    • Attacks all enemies. Places a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns. Also fills the Turn Meters of all allies by 5%.

  • Skill 2:

    • Removes all buffs from all enemies. Then places a [Deathbrand] debuff on the initial target for 2 turns. Also places a [True Fear] debuff on all enemies for 1 turn. Fills this Champion’s Turn Meter by 5% for each buff removed by this skill.

  • Skill 3:

    • Teams up with all allies to attack a single enemy. Before attacking, places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff on all allies for 2 turns. Decreases the cooldown of this Champion’s Skill 2 by 2 turns if the target is killed.

  • Skill 4 [Passive]:

    • Grants this Champion an Extra Turn for every 10 buffs placed on the enemy team. If there are multiple Champions on the team with this skill, only one will activate.

  • [Deathbrand] Debuff:

    • Champions under a [Deathbrand] debuff will receive the [Block Revive] debuff when killed.

Loyalty Program

FREE Legendary Champion: Alice the Wanderer

RAID: Shadow Legends has unveiled an exciting new collaboration introducing the iconic Alice in Wonderland theme to the game. Players will have the chance to obtain a themed Legendary Champion during the new 14-day log in event.

  • Phase 1 — 14 days check-in event, which gives one of the brand new Champions on the 7th day and a 2-Star Perfect Soul on day 14.

  • Phase 2 — 21 days Daily tasks to complete, that include additional rewards such as a 5-Star Perfect Soul.

How’s your account? Have you had any luck with your pulls or do you think on re-rolling or creating a second account to try out new Champs? Do you want 2x extra Legendaries and 1x S-Tier Epic Champions on top? Now’s your chance! Download RAID using my link for this AMAZING STARTER PACK that’s worth more than 200$.

  • 2x LEGENDARY CHAMPIONS: Karato and Supreme Galek (Code: SUPREME6)⚡️

  • 1x S-Tier Epic: Uugo (at lv. 15)⚡️

  • 8 Milion Silver (Raid money) to help Upgrading.⚡️

  • Free Energy and EXP Boosts.⚡️

Scan the QR Code or Click the Banner below to create a new account or even a second or 3rd if you can handle it why not. I barely have time to play on one.

Raid Prime Gaming drops

If you have Amazon Prime you can access more freebies thanks to Prime Gaming. 

Simply follow this link for these goodies in-game:

  • Energy Pack

If you don’t have Prime Gaming yet, click the link below for a 30-day free trial. Be sure to also check other games, it might surprise you, but you could find other freebies for games that you already play, like League of Legends for example in my case.

Thanks for reading! I hope you found this helpful.

Feel free to Subscribe to my Youtube and Follow on me Twitch, that means a lot and also helps the community grow!

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“Play Video Games with PASSION!”

4 New Promotions for Everyone in Early 2025. Alice in Wonderland RAID Collab


New RAID Collab Gives EVERYONE a Legendary Champion and it’s a Classic!