Server Merge Is Here And It Sucks?
*Server Merge and *Character Transfer is finally happening but not for all regions and not for free.
More Pay to Win has been added to the game.
No Bug Fixes, Seriously Diablo Immortal?
The latests Diablo Immortal Content Update brings a new feature called: Character Transfer. This gives you the ability to transfer your character from one server to another, but there’s a catch. Both current players and new players will receive only one free Character Transfer to use.
Everything you need to know about Character Transfer and how does it work:
You can only Transfer one Character for free. Any other Character Transfers after using your free chance, will cost $15 USD each.
Characters must be level 30 and above to qualify for a Character Transfer.
It will take several minutes for a Character Transfer to complete, during the Character Transfer process, you will not be able to log in to your account until it has been finalized.
The Character Transfer feature has a 30-day cooldown.
When a character is transferred to another server, the account that your character is attached to remains unchanged.
After a Character Transfer, all items will be retained on your character. But any Unbound items that can be traded in The Market will no longer be tradeable and become bound to you.
Developer’s Note: This restriction has been added to uphold the integrity of transactions in Wynton’s Grand Market and ensure the continued security of your account. We understand this might be inconvenient but hold player safety to the highest standard.
Any cosmetics on your character will transfer to the new server.
If your target server has a character with the same name of the character you wish to transfer, a random number will be added to your name and a free name change will be provided.
The server that your character is being transferred to must have fewer than five of your other characters currently on it.
The level of your character being transferred cannot be higher than the current Paragon Server Level of the target server.
Only a certain number of Character Transfers are available per day. If you encounter this restriction, please check back another day.
Character Transfers are not available on certain servers due to restrictions. Please check the server selector to verify which servers are eligible to transfer to.
No server transfers between China region servers and other regions will be allowed.
Once you have successfully transferred your character to a new server, you’ll notice a few adjustments:
Your character will be automatically disbanded from their current Warband.
Your character will be automatically disbanded from their current Clan.
Your character’s faction will be automatically set to Adventurer.
All leaderboard rankings will be removed.
Any Challenge Rift Server First records will not carry forward to your new server.
Your progress in Achievements and Battleground Rating will be retained.
All friends in your Friends List will be retained.
Diablo Immortal Patch Note reveals that Server Merge is also happening and is available from 9th of November. Reading through the notes we discovered that not all regions will get a Server Merge, Europe missing out entirely. Please read carefully before using your one and only Free Character Transfer chance.
“All servers that are merging have been broken into groupings of four.”
Here is a complete list of all servers that will merge:
Region: South America, servers merging 1. [Bailey, Morlu, Vidian, Flavie, Torajan]; 2. [Torajan
Blunderbore,Asylla, Ghom]; 3. [Oza, Izilech, Jondo, Gorgothra]; 4. [Xul, Elzix, Belial, Akara].
Region: East Asia 1 - KR, servers merging 1. [ 아스카리, 세릴, 라다먼트, 나탈랴 ]; 2. [ 그리스월드, 사르고스, 아우리엘, 미카옐 ]; 3. [ 와리브, 키대아, 자카, 카샤].
Region: East Asia 2 - JP, servers merging 1. [ ラクリ, マノルク, オンゴリ, リリス ]; 2. [ エスカラ, ゾヴ, ファヒール, イナリウス ];
3. [ティラエル, アンダリエル, ザイム, ホラドリムのキューブ ].
Region: North America 1, servers merging 1. [Caldesann, Kanai, Eternal Crown, Deckard Cain]; 2. [Zoltun Kulle, Sand Scorpions, Stormshield, Old Growth]; 3. [Khalim's Will, Purus the Decimator, Halls of the Blind, Hand of Justice].
Region: North America 2, servers merging 1. [Sin War, Prime Evils, Tree of Inifuss, Soul Siphon]; 2. [Sandro the Mouth, The Malus, Iceburn Tear, The Worldstone]; 3. [Plains of Despair, Town Portal, Wirt, Hadriel].
Now let’s talk about the elephant in the room, the new Pay-to-Win offer: The Boon of the Progenitors limited-time bundle
Make no mistake: “Diablo Immortal” is a pay-to-win game, in which players can spend money to buy power via the Legendary Gem system. Moreover now with this update there will be another bundle in the shop to provide Eternal Orbs upon purchase and 14-days’ worth of login rewards to collect, including the 2 of the newests Legendary Gems: The Abiding Curse and Frozen Heart.
This bundle will only be available to characters level 40 and above. The Boon of the Progenitors follows the same rules as the previous active bundle Boon of Plenty. Make sure to log in daily and claim all your rewards, as any unclaimed rewards will be lost. The Boon of Progenitors bundle will be available in the shop from October 26, 3:00 a.m.–November 16, 3:00 a.m. server time.
As any other online ARPG, Diablo Immortal is no stranger to having in-game issues and bugs. Players are constantly reporting anything that comes in their way and affects the quality of time spent in the game. Under normal circumstances, everyone’s expectations are and will be to have at least the bugs reported fixed or removed.
Besides a couple of quality of life add-ons, like new Armory next to the Battleground NPC and an “Invite All” button added to the Helliquary Raid UI for leaders, unfortunately in this Patch there are no Bug fixes. Full patch notes including 36 New Legendary Items here
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