Diablo 4: Season 3 Season of the Construct
Diablo 4 latest | Patch Notes build 1.3.0 (official Patch Notes)
Season 3 Season of the Construct goes Live on January 23 at 10 a.m. PST.
Table of Contents
Diablo 4: Season 3 new Questline and Zone
New Questline
Partner with Ayuzhan to battle through treacherous Vaults and free the powerful Loom from the Demon's grasp.
Learn the fate of Zoltun Kulle & his role in bringing the Loom to life.
To play the Season of the Construct Seasonal Questline, you must create a new character on the Seasonal Realm and have completed the Main Campaign.
Main Campaign can be skipped via *Skip Main Campaign feature once you’ve completed the prologue.
Diablo 4: Season 3 - Discover New Locations
New Dungeon: Vaults
New Map: Gatehall
New Zone: The Gatehall
The new zone Gatehall expands the map beneath the sands of Sanctuary. It is basically a layered map beneath the overworld and it servers as the center of Season 3 content.
The Gatehall contains: entrance/exit, Quest area, Waypoints, Stash & Wardrobe, Vendors and portals to different main cities.
Diablo 4: Season 3 - Face New Foes
Elemental Constructs
New Monster Family: Elemental Constructs
A new family of mechanical monsters wreak havoc. The Courtier, Vizier, & Guardsman will hack, slash, and sting anyone in their path.
The new Construct monsters can be found inside the Vaults and in the Overworld.
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New Boss Battle: Malphas, Keeper of the Vaults
The Demon uses both this possessed Construct Guardian and the arena itself to attack players.
Diablo 4: Season 3 - New Boss Battle
Malphas, Keeper of the Vaults
Malphas will harness the power of the Elements, attacking with powers of Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison.
First stationary boss in Diablo 4 - will not move around arena, but the boss will weaponize the arena against you.
Elemental Pillars will stand around the boss battle arena:
One pillar per each Elemental type.
When players attack and disable a pillar for a limited time, boss is forced to switch to a new Elemental type, preventing the boss's attacks from getting too strong.
Paired with elemental resistances, these pillars can help tip the fight in the player's favor.
The Level of difficulty is comparable to Varshan*.
Malphas, Keeper of the Vaults can be challenged again in the Echo of the Keeper instance same as previously with the Echo of Varshan.
Echo of the Keeper will drop better loot in WT4 but the difficulty increases.
The Echo of the Keeper instance is available in WT1, WT2, WT3 and WT4.
New Seasonal Dungeons: Vaults
Teeming with unnatural Constructs and deadly Hazards, Vaults were created for protection but are now harnessed by The Demon.
Ayuzhan and Zoltun Kulle crafted Hazards and Constructs to protect and maintain the Loom, powered by elemental magic.
Now, the Demon has taken control of the Hazards and Constructs, putting them to work for his devious plot.
Diablo 4: Season 3 - Seasonal Dungeons
The Vaults
There is one Vault per Element that players can access.
The Vaults are filled with Hazards.
traps that various triggered damage types such as Elemental Grates, Elemental Darts, Exploding Chests.
in The Vaults you fight the new Construct monster types:
Courtier Construct - (spider) skittering creation rushes its target, overwhelming them.
Vizier Construct - (wasp) hovering creation keeps distance from target, attacking with projectiles that match the element type.
Guardsman Construct - (scorpion) burly creation that steadily closes in on its target.
Vault mechanics
When players enter Vaults, they get Zoltun's Ward, a buff that shields them from on hit of a Vault Hazards but goes away when hit.
If players manage to keep Zoltun's Ward until the end of the dungeon, they will be able to open a Wardwoven Chest.
Players can play the new Dungeon: Vaults at any time to earn rewards:
Boss drops the default Vault reward.
Wardwoven Chest can only be opened if player still has Zoltun's Ward*.
Nightmare Vaults can be played from WT3 and above, Vault Sigils will drop or be craftable like Nightmare Sigils but requires Pearls of Warding*.
Your Seasonal companion: Seneschal Construct
Season 3 brings a new mechanic, the companion system in Diablo 4.
With Ayuzhan's help, the Wanderer revives an uncorrupted Seneschal Construct, and it becomes their Seasonal Companion.
The Seneschal Construct companion unlocks during the Seasonal Questline.
Diablo 4: Season 3 - Companion System
Seneschal Construct
Using magical Stones recovered from Vaults, you can craft Companion abilities to augment their own combat skills and to enhance Vault exploration.
The Seneschal Construct is a highly customizable pet-like Seasonal Companion:
Once acquired, it follows the Character everywhere until Season 3 ends.
It uses its abilities independently of the Character but can create combo opportunities.
Its base stats scale with the Character.
It does not have health, so it cannot die but it will have a stagger though.
Companion Mechanics
The Seneschal has two attacks/skills.
Players upgrade the Seneschal's attacks by modifying Stones in its Cryptex:
Governing Stones dictate the attack type.
Tuning Stones. These augment the Governing Stones by adding additional mechanics such as shooting additional projectiles or changing the damage type entirely.
“Where to find Seneschal Stones?”
Governing stones can be acquired from season’s questline, Vaults, Wardwoven Chests, Season Journey, crafting with Shattered Stones at the Jeweler. (Defeating enemy Constructs within the Vaults will also grant Shattered Stones)
Tuning stones can be acquired from Season Journey, seasonal content, Vaults, crafting with Shattered Stones at the Jeweler.
You can equip your Seneschal with 2 Governing Stones and 6 Tuning Stones, one Governing stone for each attack and three Tuning Stones to augment the ability. There are 12 Governing Stones and 27 different Tuning Stones of different rarities to seek out in the Vaults to unlock the full power of the Seneschal construct.
“How to level up the Tuning and Governing Stones for the Seneschal Construct companion?”
To level up the Tuning and Governing Stones collect or craft duplicates of the same Stones and merge them together to increase the experience and eventually level up your base Stones.
Increasing the level of the stones increases the potency and ability of the attacks.
Increasing the level of the Tuning Stones can add additional projectiles or augment the damage type the have.
Building your Seasonal Companion
Building your Seasonal Companion use Governing & Tuning Stones to create the perfect Seneschal Construct.
Governing & Tuning Stones are variants of Paragon glyphs, they are not items:
Governing Stones do not have a Level or Rarity, only need to be acquired once.
Tuning Stones have Level and Rarity, and improve linearly with level.
The Seneschal's Cryptex appears as a Seasonal Inventory tab, similar to the Sanguine Circle in Season 2.
From this, players can easily swap Governing and Tuning Stones for their Companion.
Pet Cryptex

Obtaining Stones:
— Vault Runs guarantee one random Level-Scaled Tuning Stone.
— Vault Runs offer Wardwoven Chests which award bonus Tuning Stones or Equipment
Defeating Constructs
— Defeating Constructs offer very rare chance of Tuning Stones drop.
— Defeating Constructs will always drop a percentage of Shattered Stone which can be crafted into Stones at the Jeweler.
Pet Attack/Skills examples

Here is a full list of the Governing and Tuning Stones available for the Seneschal Companion:
Governing Stones:
Autodefense: The Seneschal Construct activates an antimaterial field around itself shooting down enemy projectiles. Can not shoot down Boss or Player projectiles.
Bushwhack: Quickly ambush dealing damage to each target. May strike the same target multiple times.
Firefly: Deploy a small construct that lands on the target and explodes 3 times, dealing damage.
Focus Fire: The Seneschal Construct channels a ray of fire onto targets dealing damage to each over time.
Gyrate: The Seneschal Construct whirls its legs around quickly dealing damage to all surrounding enemies.
Impale: Perform a line attack to all enemies in front of the Seneschal Construct dealing damage.
Lightning Bolt: Launch a bolt of Lightning at the target dealing damage. Arcs to other targets dealing a portion of the original damage.
Protect: The Seneschal Construct materializes a protective Barrier on the player for a portion of their Maximum Life.
Reconstruct: The Seneschal Construct channels a reconstruction beam Healing the player for a portion of their Maximum Life over time.
Slash: Pummel enemies in front of the Seneschal Construct dealing damage.
Tempest: Electrically charge an enemy causing it to deal damage to themselves and additional each second over time. If the enemy is killed, Tempest spreads to another enemy gaining for additional time and bonus damage. These bonuses are also applied if Tempest is reapplied onto the same enemy.
Tuning Stone Abilities:
Voluminous Support: The supported skill's effect size is increased.
Swift Support: The supported Skill gains an Attack Speed bonus.
Breaking Support: Damage from the supported Skill instantly destroys enemy Barrier effects. In addition, there is a chance to make enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
Tactical Support: Decrease the cooldown of the supported Skill.
Efficiency Support: When the supporting skill deals damage, you gain Critical Strike Chance to the same targets hit.
Devastation Support: Supported Skill gains a Critical Strike Damage bonus.
Safeguard Support: When used, the supported Skill grants Damage Reduction to you.
Frigid Support: A portion of the supported Skill's damage dealt is applied as Cold damage over time and applies Chill.
Burning Support: A portion of he supported Skill's damage is applied as Burning damage over time. Burning enemies take bonus Critical Strike Damage from the Seneschal Construct.
Electrocution Support: A portion of the supported skill's damage dealt is applied as Lightning damage over time and has a chance to Stun enemies.
Bleeding Support: A portion of the supported skill's damage dealt is applied as Bleeding damage over time. Enemies take bonus Bleeding damage from all sources while moving.
Poison Support: A portion of the supported skill's damage dealt is applied as Poison damage over time. This poison has a chance each second to spread all Poison damage to an additional enemy.
Dusk Support: A portion of the supported Skill's damage dealt is applied as Shadow damage over time. Afflicted enemies who attack have a chance for their attacks to be interrupted. Does not interrupt Bosses.
Duration Support: Supported Skills have their durations increased.
Fortify Support: When the Seneschal Construct uses the supported Skill, you gain Fortify. Skills with slower attack speeds or skills with cooldowns will increase the amount of Fortify granted.
Resource Support: Player gains an amount of Primary Resource when the supporting Skill first deals damage.
Initiative Support: The supported Skill will cause the Seneschal Construct to teleport to the target if out of range. Can only occur once every so often seconds.
Arcing Support: The supported Skill can hit additional enemies.
Multishot Support: Supported Projectile skills launch additional projectiles.
Piercing Support: The supported Projectile Skill will pierce multiple enemies.
Gripping Support: Damage and effects done by the supporting Skill to Distant enemies pulls them towards the Seneschal Construct. Can only occur once every so often per enemy.
Registered Damage Support: Any damage caused from the supported Skill is registered. The registered damage explodes at effectiveness when the target dies as Fire damage.
Seeking Support: The supported Projectile Skill will auto-seek enemies for a limited duration.
Slowing Support: Damage from the supported Skill Slows enemy movement speed for a limited duration. The closer the enemy is to the Seneschal Construct, the greater the Slow amount. Enemies may be slowed up to a maximum amount.
Mockery Support: Damage done by the supporting Skill Taunts enemies hit for a limited duration of time. This can only occur once every so often per enemy. Does not work on bosses.
Super rare Stones:
Evernight: ???
Genesis: ???
Quality of Life Updates in Season of the Construct
Respec Mode: Overview
Added a new Preview mode for building your Skill Tree where you can play around before committing to the final version of it.
Always ON Helltides
Helltides will be always active starting from Season 3.
W-A-S-D Movement
PC users can now navigate by using the W-A-S-D keys on the keyboard, instead of the mouse.
Extra Stash Tab
An extra Stash Tab is now available. Purchase an additional stash tab in any major city at the Stash Icon.
Various other Quality-of-Life Updates
Skill tree has been reallocated.
Improvements to UI when trading Gold.
Increased rates to earn the items needed to summon the Beast in the Ice.
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