Diablo 4 New Huge Buffs, 1.1.1 Patch Notes, Devs BIG Promise Over Drama and Super Giveaway
Diablo 4 Devs Response to Community Backlack Over Nerfs Drama
To give you a quick insight, in this post we will be talking about, Diablo 4 Devs BIG Promise Over Drama, Diablo 4 New Live Patch Notes and Hotfixes, the upcoming Patch Notes 1.1.1 and the Future of Diablo 4 with specific information straight from developers mouth.
And to end this on a happy note I will be introducing you to our newest Diablo 4 Super Battlepass Giveaway.
Diablo 4 Devs BIG Promise Over Drama
On July 18, Patch 1.1.0 has been released for Diablo IV. Since then, the community has been on constant backlash regarding the changes it implemented.
We all know that last patch was badly reviewed, it was so bad that the metacritic score for Diablo 4 plummeted all the way down to 1.8 User Score and it's still dropping to the minute.
Game director Joe Shely, associate game director Joseph Piepiora, and associate director of community Adam Fletcher took the opportunity to address that feedback directly on July 21 in the Campfire Chat Livestream.
During the Campfire Chat Livestream, they have detailed why the changes were made, and what was the aim in Patch 1.1.0.
With this occasion we have been promised that there will never be a similar patch in the future, and to take actions the game is already receiving a couple of Hot Fixes and changes this week.
Moving forward, addressing all these concerns there will be several changes introduced in the upcoming Patch 1.1.1.
Diablo 4 Patch Notes
HOTFIX 3 - JULY 21, 2023 - 1.1.0
Hotfix 3 has been fully deployed on July 21, and with it the changes implemented are:
Nightmare Dungeons
a reduction to overall monster power levels in Nightmare dungeons. The new top range for tier 100 will feel like what tier 70 was previously, with Tier 100 monsters HP reduced by ~82% and Damage reduced by ~79%.
Gameplay Updates
Items: Malignant Hearts will now always grant armor that directly maps with their item power.
Following community complaints, that we cannot put skulls anymore into Jewelry and losing Armor and survivability overall, devs have changed all the Malignant Hearts to give Armor.
World Tiers: Removed the level requirement for World Tiers III and IV.
Updated the activation of the Premium Battle Pass with a confirmation pop-up.
Bug Fixes
Patch Notes 1.1.1 and the Future of Diablo 4
Diablo 4 Upcoming Patch 1.1.1 Class Buffs and Changes
During the Campfire Chat Livestream, game director Joe Shely, associate game director Joseph Piepiora, and associate director of community Adam Fletcher took the opportunity to also talk about the Upcoming Patch 1.1.1 and its major changes to the game.
If you’d prefer to skim the highlights of the Campfire Chat, below you can find everything that’s coming new in the next two weeks:
Respec cost will be reduced by 40% across the board. (Skills, Paragon, Items etc.)
Barbarians and Sorcerers - with Sorcerer first - will be getting adjustments to Legendary Aspects in Patch 1.1.1.
Monster density will be substantially increased in Nightmare Dungeons, as well as in Helltide.
+1 Additional stash tab will be added.
Elixir Stack Size will be increased to +99.
Increased XP bonuses for playing on higher World Tiers.
Leveling from 50-100 will be faster.
Unique Items drop rate will be buffed.
And more! More details will be revealed during next livestream.
Tune in to the Next Campfire Chat
On July 28 at 11 a.m. PDT Diablo 4 devs will be hosting another Campfire Chat to continue the conversation with the community and dig in to details about Patch 1.1.1.
Visit the official Diablo Twitch and YouTube channels to watch it live!
The Future of Diablo 4
Last but not least besides the major apology, the Hotfix 3 and Patch 1.1.1 talk, Diablo 4 developers have also gave us a couple insights about future updates and the direction the game is heading to.
Here’s what we learnt from the Campfire Chat:
Resistances will be fixes in Season 2
New Treasure Goblins types will be added to the game before Season 2.
Resistances will be fixed in Season 2.
Leaderboards are coming to the game somewhere around Season 3.
Armory and Loadouts are in the works. (no estimated time)
Loot Filters will soon make their way into Diablo 4. (no estimated time)
Matchmaking and Party Finder will be added to the game soon. (no estimated time)
Diablo IV Season One Mechanics and BattlePass Rewards - Full Guide
On July 20, Diablo IV started its first Season (Season of the Malignant) and BattlePass.
Season of the Malignant will be running for 3 months before it ends.
In case you have missed it, this Guide will take you through everything new in the game right now, all the new Mechanics, BattlePass rewards, Legendary Aspects, Unique Items, Gems and Bosses.
Be sure to check out Diablo IV Season One Mechanics and BattlePass Rewards - Full Guide
Diablo 4 Super Battlepass Giveaway
Season 1 - Season of the Malignant have started in Diablo IV, and with this I have a special announcement to make.
I'd like to let you know that with the start of Season 1 and the launch of first Battlepass, being a part of MisterMen Plays community you can win ONE BATTLEPASS EVERYDAY.
All you have to do to join this incredible giveaway🎁 is:
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel using the link below.
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💡 Furthermore, with the launch of Diablo IV, I am excited to expand my content creation to both my Website and YouTube channel. From videos showcasing the game's secrets and strategies to in-depth guides that will elevate your gameplay, and help you stay on top of your game
Stay tuned, stay excited, and let's embrace the thrilling world of Diablo IV!
T&C's: *If you WIN and already have the Battlepass, I will send you $10 instead, granting you the freedom to do whatever you like with it.
#DiabloIV #Battlepass #SuperGiveaway
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