Roccia Build & Teams in Wuthering Waves: Weapons, Echoes, Skill Priority, Combos

Roccia is our latest 5-Star Havoc Gauntlets Character that has been added in Wuthering Waves.

Scroll down to find the best TEAMS and BUILDS or use CTRL+F to search into the article.

Roccia Build or Pass?

Roccia is an S Tier Sub-Dps role Character that can empower Basic ATK focused Havoc DPS.

How to Get Roccia?

The NEW 5-Star Havoc Character Roccia can be pulled from the Limited Banner: Stage in the Box which is available in Version 2.0 from January 23, 2025 to February 12, 2025.

If you are looking for other Characters check out our tier list below:

Roccia Build

Roccia Build
Best Weapon Wuthering Waves - Tragicomedy Tragicomedy
Alt. Weapons Wuthering Waves - Verity Verity's Handle
Wuthering Waves - Abyss Surges Abyss Surges
Wuthering Waves - Celestial Spiral Celestial Spiral
Sonata Effect 5-piece
Wuthering Waves - Midnight Veil Midnight Veil
Cost Pattern 4 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1
Main Echo Wuthering Waves - Nightmare: Impermanence Heron Nightmare: Impermanence Heron

Recommended Echo Stats for Roccia

Echo Main Stats Priority

  • 4-Cost: CRIT Rate > CRIT DMG.

  • 3-Cost: Havoc DMG.

  • 1-Cost: ATK%.

Echo Substats Tuning Priority

1. Energy Regeneration (Until Breakpoint)
2. ATK% > Heavy ATK DMG% > Flat ATK

Best Sonata Effects for Roccia

Recommended Sonata Set for Roccia: Midnight Veil (5-pc)

  • 2 set: Havoc DMG +10%.

  • 5 set: When Outro Skill is triggered, deal additional 480% Havoc DMG to surrounding enemies, and grants the incoming Resonator 15% Havoc DMG Bonus for 15s.

Recommended Main Echo for Roccia:

  • Nightmare: Impermanence Heron.

Recommended Endgame Stats for Roccia

*Important — CRIT DMG shows 150% and Energy Regen shows 100% when you check in-game. The recommended stats below show how much on top of it you need to get.

  • ATK: 1800 or more

  • HP: 17000 or more

  • DEF: 900 or more

  • HAVOC DMG%: 60% or more (based on Echo set choice)

  • CRIT RATE%: 70% or more

    • To achieve Roccia's maximum buffing potential, she needs at least 70% CRIT RATE, making it your top priority after achieving enough Energy Regeneration in order to make her rotation work.

  • CRIT DMG% 120% or more

  • Energy Regeneration: ~25%

    • The recommended ER for Roccia is 20-30%. This depends on the team and playstyle.

These are the total minimum Stats value including any bonuses, passive abilities, items, etc.

Check out the Echo Tier List below for more information on all Echoes:

Carlotta Build & Teams in Wuthering Waves: Weapons, Echoes, Skill Priority, Combos

Roccia Skill Priority

Skill Leveling Order Roccia

  1. Forte Circuit

  2. Resonance Liberation

  3. Resonance Skill

  4. Intro Skill = Basic Attack

Roccia Best Teams

Best F2P (free-to-play) and other team comps for Roccia in Wuthering Waves

Roccia Hybrid-DPS Team

Roccia is best in Havoc based teams. She provides both Basic Attack and Havoc DMG amplification, increasing the overall DPS by quite a bit.

Sub-DPS Team
Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Wuthering Waves - Camellya Camellya Wuthering Waves - Roccia Roccia Wuthering Waves - Shorekeeper Shorekeeper

Quick team Guide:

  • Begin the battle with Shorekeeper, and go through her rotations to charge up her Resonance Liberation and Concerto Energy.

  • Once both are charged, use Shorekeeper's Resonance Liberation, then switch to Roccia to trigger the latter's Intro Skill.

  • Use Roccia's optimal combos, making sure to build Concerto Energy the fastest way possible. Also, make sure to use her Resonance Liberation before switching out to increase the entire team's ATK stat by 200.

  • Once Concerto Energy is full, switch to Camellya to give her Roccia's Havoc DMG and Basic Attack DMG buffs from Roccia's Outro Skill.

  • After switching to the Main-DPS, use the utility button to group enemies thanks to Roccia's Inherent Skill 2. This makes it easy for the DPS to hit multiple enemies at the same time.

  • After using the grouping utility, use Camellya's optimal combo until she's exhausted her resources and the buffs wear off.

  • Swap back to Shorekeeper when Concerto Energy is full to detonate her Resonance Liberation using her Intro Skill.

If you need more Builds click the button below:

Roccia Tips and Tricks


  • Roccia has powerful buffing potential for Havoc Basic ATK DPS characters thanks to her Outro Amplification and Flat ATK buff.

  • Roccia does great personal damage for a Hybrid buffer.

  • Roccia is super easy to play.

  • Roccia has the best grouping abilities in the game thanks to her Resonance Skill and unique Inherent Skill utility that she can transfer to other characters, making her tremendously helpful in AoE content.


  • Roccia competes with two other amazing F2P Hybrids, Sanhua and Danjin.

  • Roccia requires more stat investment than most other Hybrids to unlock her full potential.

How to Play Roccia

Roccia Combos

Below you can find the optimal rotations for Roccia. Prioritize achieving 100 Concerto as fast as possible and once that condition is fulfilled, focus on maximizing the damage output.

Standard Rotation

Roccia's rotation is simple all you need is to build-up 300 Fantasy quickly with her Intro, Basic ATK4 and Skill, spending it shortly after and finishing things off with her Ultimate in order to generate 100 Concerto:

  • To save time, use your skill to cancel the extremely long animation of Basic ATK P4 right after you generate the 100 Fantasy from it,

  • To save even more time you can activate your Ultimate right after the damage of the third bounce of Real Fantasy lands to cut out the end of the animation.

Combo: Intro >> Basic P4 (Cancel animation after 100 Fantasy is gained using skill) >> Skill: Acrobatic Trick >> Forte: Basic: Real Fantasy P1 >> Forte: Basic: Real Fantasy P2 >> Forte: Basic: Real Fantasy P3 (Cancel animation after the bounce lands with Ultimate) >> Ultimate: Commedia Improvviso! >> Echo (Swap Cancel) >> Outro.


If you pulled S1 you can shorten Roccia's rotation by removing Basic ATK4 completely. This results in lower DMG and DPS for Roccia but will shorten her rotation, leaving for time for the rest of your team.

Combo: Intro >> Skill: Acrobatic Trick >> Forte: Basic: Real Fantasy P1 >> Forte: Basic: Real Fantasy P2 >> Forte: Basic: Real Fantasy P3 (Cancel animation after the bounce lands with Ultimate) >> Ultimate: Commedia Improvviso! >> Echo (Swap Cancel) >> Outro.

*Credit for the Guide Game8 and prydwen

Wuthering Waves Roccia Resonance Chain (duplicates)

By getting duplicates of Roccia from pulling on her Banner, you will receive extra Wavebands.

Wavebands are an important item, as they allow you to unlock Resonance Chain levels, with each level either improving an existing Skill or passive ability.

  • Sequence Node 1

    Casting Resonance Skill Acrobatic Trick grants 100 additional Imagination and 10 Concerto Energy.

    Immune to interruptions when casting Basic Attack Real Fantasy

  • Sequence Node 2

    Casting Basic Attack Real Fantasy grants all Resonators in the team 10% Havoc DMG Bonus for 30s, stacking up to 3 time. Upon reaching the max stacks, it grants all Resonators in the team for 30s 10% Havoc DMG Bonus.

  • Sequence Node 3

    Casting Intro Skill Pero, Help increases Roccia's Crit. Rate by 10% and Crit. DMG by 30% for 15s.

  • Sequence Node 4

    Casting Resonance Skill Acrobatic Trick increases Basic Attack Real Fantasy's DMG Multiplier by 60% for 12s.

  • Sequence Node 5

    Increase Resonance Liberation Commedia Improvviso!'s DMG Multiplier by 20% and Heavy Attack's DMG Multiplier by 80%.

  • Sequence Node 6

    Casting Resonance Liberation Commedia Improvviso! grants the following effects for 12s:

    • Basic Attack Real Fantasy ignores enemies' DEF by 60%.

    • When Roccia lands after performing Basic Attack Real Fantasy Stage 3, she is launched into mid-air, activating Beyond Imagination. In this state, Basic Attack becomes Basic Attack Reality Recreation, dealing DMG equal to 100% of Basic Attack Real Fantasy Stage 3 DMG, considered Heavy Attack DMG. Roccia is immune to interruptions while casting Basic Attack Reality Recreation.

    • When Roccia lands after performing Basic Attack Reality Recreation, she is launched into mid-air, activating Beyond Imagination. Basic Attack Reality Recreation is only available in the Beyond Imagination state.

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Phoebe Build, Teams & Guide


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