Diablo Immortal Class Tier List

Diablo Immortal Season 27 - Class Tier List

This tier list will help you choose the best character class for you. Rest assured that Diablo Immortal has free Class Change feature available for everyone once every 7 days as long as you reached level 35.

To determine each place in this list first we need to have a closer look at the most played classes in Diablo Immortal

Diablo Immortal Class Tier List

Diablo Immortal Class Tier List TEMPEST UPDATE

In this Tier List the Class ranks are S, A, B, making S the best, A great, B acceptable.

PVP Class Tier List

S-Tier: Tempest, Crusader, Barbarian

A-Tier: Demon Hunter, Necromancer

B-Tier: Monk, Wizard, Blood Knight

However if you are really good with a particular class this Tier List might not resonate with your likes and dislikes. This is just for you to get a general idea on which class perform better overall in Player versus Player activities.

If you are looking for the Best Builds for your favourite class be sure to click the button below:

In this Tier List the Class ranks are S, A, B, making S the best, A great, B still pretty good.

PVE Class Tier List

S-Tier: Tempest, Demon Hunter, Barbarian, Crusader

A-Tier: Necromancer, Wizard, Blood Knight

B-Tier: Monk

This is my personal opinion on which Class performs best in PvE. It is worth mentioning that there are several builds available for each class and each build impacts the performance of the class and could slightly affect the Tier List.

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Class Insights


The newly released Tempest class have take Diablo Immortal by storm.

Blood Knight

According to the lore, Blood Knights are vampiric like creatures with supernatural powers, and the ability to shapeshift between human and monster.

The Blood Knight is a free to play vampiric style class that enjoy The Blood Knight is a mid-range Class with hybrid attack options that are either melee or ranged depending on your proximity to the target. This vanquisher of vampires feeds on enemies’ life, entraps them in deadly shadows summoned with cursed strength, and relies on their trusty polearm to maintain distance from danger. And if all else fails, they may just succumb to the unholy abomination within themselves that’s vying for control of their humanity. Watch the below video on the Blood Knight to get a taste of who they are.


A mid ranged free to play friendly class that enjoy exploding the corpses of his enemies. In theory, the Necromancer should be a ranged class that commands fallen soldiers from a distance, but Diablo Immortal has given this class a number of powerful short-ranged abilities. To counteract this, the Necromancer features powerful buffs like Bone Armor to avoid taking damage.

The Necromancer is extremely versatile, giving players a range of options in combat. For solo play, try to create a build that summons skeletons and golems to do all of the hard work for you. This also works against bosses, giving you a huge advantage over some of the other classes which struggle to take down single targets with lots of health. As long as you time your Wraith Form ability correctly to avoid taking critical damage, the Necromancer is an excellent pick for players with strong micromanaging skills.


The Crusader is by far the most agile class in the game thanks to its celestial warhorse. Draw and Quarter makes it easy to deal with multiple enemies, allowing you to stun anyone standing in your way. To top it off, this ability groups any remaining minions together when it ends, creating the perfect opportunity for the Crusader to damage several enemies in quick succession.

In addition to this, the Crusader also has powerful solo and party buffs which range from guaranteeing critical damage for a short period of time, to temporarily negating all damage for three seconds. If you’re looking for the best overall class in Diablo Immortal, you can’t go wrong with the Crusader.

The Crusader’s only weakness is that it struggles to deal damage against single targets and you might need more time to defeat bosses due to the long cooldowns on your abilities.


One of the best free to play (f2p) and pay to win (p2w) friendly class. Unlike the other classes, the Wizard has a range of abilities that drastically alter the way you approach combat. The most popular build involves using crowd control abilities like Ray of Frost and AoE spells to damage multiple targets in one quick burst.

Demon Hunter

You won’t find a class in Diablo Immortal that deals more damage than the Demon Hunter. The Demon Hunter’s amazing DPS output makes Challenge Rifts dead simple, as they can destroy bosses faster than any other class.

Demon Hunters also have plenty of abilities to deal with groups of enemies which makes them the ultimate class for solo play. They don’t offer much in co-op play, aside from their high damage output. They also don’t have any substantial ally buffs like the Barbarian and Crusader.


Compared to other Diablo Immortal classes, the Monk provides a vast range of mobility skills. The Monk also thrives in a party thanks to its buffs which help to protect and strengthen your group. You can play as a solo player, but you may find it more difficult to fight against bosses or in PvP as the class rely on combos to deal effective damage and you will find yourself in constant button mashing.


The Barbarian’s biggest strength comes from its ability to stay alive and survive longer than the other classes. This becomes even better in PvP combat, allowing Barbarians to rush and eliminate players fast. Unfortunately, these abilities also come with long cooldowns which can put players in an awkward position if used incorrectly.

While the Barbarian comes stocked with abilities to keep themselves healthy on the battlefield, they’re often the biggest targets in combat. As a result, Barbarians need to be cautious when fighting, as the wrong action in the middle of combat could easily cost your life. The Barbarian requires players to think strategically about each big battle – this class has the skills to dominate, but some players may find it difficult to stay alive under pressure.


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