Diablo Immortal New Class Developer Update

Diablo Immortal New Class Developer Update

Diablo — Upcoming Developer Update Livestream


Diablo Developer Update Livestream announced on July 6 at 11 a.m. PDT

This livestream will have senior narrative designer Ryan Quinn and lead user experience designer Chris Liao talking about the new Class coming to Diablo Immortal in mid-July.

Diablo Immortal New Class Developer Update

Image Source: Blizzard

New Class coming to Diablo Immortal mid July.

Be sure to also check out the latest Diablo Immortal Patch Notes that introduces new mechanics, new Paragon boards and new difficulties below:

Diablo Immortal New Class Developer Update

The upcoming Diablo developer update livestream, will take place on July 6th 11 a.m. PDT

Following the announcement of the new Class that is coming to Diablo Immortal, associate director of community Adam Fletcher, will introduce associate game director Joseph Piepiora and lead game producer Timothy Ismay who will announce the first Season of Diablo IV, along with incoming quality-of-life updates.

Diablo Immortal New Class Developer Update

Players will also have the opportunity to ask the developers questions during a live Q&A session at the end of the livestream.

In conclusion of this exciting livestream, there will be another article containing a video on demand so the community can catch all the new details at their own pace. 2 new articles will published which foretell the topics introduced during both the Diablo Immortal and Diablo IV segments of the livestream.

To end up this News article, I’d like to let you know that, starting from July 13th, 3 a.m. to August 3rd, 3 a.m. server time, Diablo Immortal players will be able to select a total of 12 Legendary Gems and add them to the Drop Table in Elder Rifts. This modifier, will allow players to choose 12 five star Legendary Gems that will guarantee to drop if they are lucky enough. (following the below drop rates)

Here’s the Legendary Crest drop rates:

  • 1 Star: 75.395% Chance to Drop

  • 2 Star: 20.105% Chance to Drop

  • 5 Star: 4.5% Chance to Drop

If a 5 Star Gem drops, the following is the chance to roll quality 2-5:

  • 2 Star Quality: 75% Chance to Drop

  • 3 Star Quality: 20% Chance to Drop

  • 4 Star Quality: 4% Chance to Drop

  • 5 Star Quality: 1% Chance to Drop

Diablo Immortal New Class Developer Update

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