Diablo 4 New Class Balance Changes Season 3 - Build 1.3.3

Diablo 4 Class Balance Changes NEW 2024 February

Diablo 4 latest | Class Balance Update - Season of the Construct

Build 1.3.3 Class Balance Changes will go Live on 5 March 2024.

Following the Campfire Chat here is a list with all the Class Balance changes coming to the game.

If you want to find out what else is new and when does the Gauntlet and Leaderboards start in Diablo 4 click the buttons bellow:


Diablo 4 Build 1.3.3 Patch Notes

Unique Items

Ring of Starless Skies

  • Now shows a buff on the bar while active.

Penitent Greaves

  • Damage to Chilled enemies increased from 7-10% to 12-15%.

Tassets of the Dawning Sky

  • Maximum Resistance increased from 6-10% to 8-12%.

Mother's Embrace

  • Resource refund increased from 20-40% to 30-50%.

Legendary Aspects

Of Inner Calm

  • Damage maximum increased from 30% to 40%.

Of Retribution

  • Stun chance increased from 8% to 10%.

  • Damage to Stunned enemies increased from 10-20% to 15-25%.


  • Amount of Life Healed needed for Resource gain changed from 25% to 20%.

Class Updates

  • Barbarian

  • Necromancer

  • Druid

  • Sorcerer

  • Rogue

Feel free to press CTRL + F to search through the notes to jump straight to your class

Diablo 4 Patch Notes 1.3.0   Class Updates Barbarian

Barbarian Class Balance Updates

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  • Gohr's Devastating Grips

    • Ranks of Whirlwind increased from 2-3 to 3-4.

    • Damage increased from 16-26% to 25-35%.

  • Bash

    • Damage increased by 10%.

    • Fury gain increased from 13 to 15.

    Battle Bash

    • Additional Fury increased from 3 to 5.

    • Additional Fury with 2-handed weapons increased from 4 to 10.


    • Damage increased by 10%.


    • Damage increased by 10%.

    • Fury gain increased from 13 to 15.

    Enhanced Flay

    • Vulnerable duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds.

    Strategic Ground Stomp

    • Ultimate Cooldown Reductionincreased from 1 to 2 seconds.

    Strategic Iron Skin

    • Fortify amount increased from 15% to 20%.

    Prime Call of the Ancients

    • Bonus damage increased from 10% to 20%.

  • Endless Fury

    • Fury gain increased from 7/14/21% to 10/20/30%.

  • Executioner Glyph

    • Previous: While wielding a Polearm, you deal 10%[x] damage to Healthy or Injured Enemies.

    • New: While wielding a Polearm, you deal 10%[x] increased damage.

  • Aspect of the Iron Warrior

    • Damage reduction increased from 18-28% to 25-35%.

Diablo 4 Patch Notes 1.3.0   Class Updates Necromancer

Necromancer Class Balance Updates

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  • Aspect of Hardened Bones

    • Damage reduction also applies to the player in addition to their Minions.

    Blood-Bathed Aspect

    • Damage of Blood Surge echoes changed from 60-50% less damage to 10-30% less damage.

  • Blood Surge

    • Damage bonus per enemy drained reduced from x10% to x5%.

    • Nova damage increased by 40%.

    Supernatural Blood Surge

    • Damage bonus increased from [x]20% to [x]30%.


    • Outgoing Damage increased by 6.5%.

    • Returning damage increased by 20%.

    Enhanced Sever

    • Damage increased from 40% to 75% of Sever's initial damage.

    Paranormal Sever

    • Vulnerable duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds.


    • Impact damage increased by 33.3%.

    • Damage over time increased by 10.5%.

    Paranormal Blight

    • Immobilize duration increased from 1.5 to 2.5 seconds.

    Supernatural Blight

    • Damage bonus increased from [x]15% to [x]20%.

    Corpse Explosion

    • Damage increased by 21.5%.

    Plagued Corpse Explosion

    • Damage bonus increased from 8% to 10%.

    Enhanced Bone Prison

    • Previous: Enemies inside Bone Prison are Vulnerable.

    • New: Enemies inside of Bone Prison when cast are made Vulnerable for 8 seconds.

    Blood Wave

    • Damage increased by 25%.

  • Death’s Approach (name changed from Death's Reach)

    • Previous: You deal 4%[x] increased damage to Distance enemies.

    • New: Gain 4/8/12% Movement Speed.

    Spiked Armor

    • Previous: Gain .1/.2/.3 Thorns.

    • New: Gain 0.1/0.2/0.3 Thorns and 5/10/15% additional Armor.

    Death's Embrace

    • Damage Reduction from Close enemies increased from 3/6/9% to 4/8/12%.

    Hellbent Commander

    • Damage bonus increased from x10/20/30% to /15/30/45%.

    Crippling Darkness

    • Previous: Lucky Hit: Darkness Skills have up to a 15% chance to Stun for 1 Second.

    • New: Lucky Hit: Darkness Skills have up to a 15% chance to Stun enemies for 1/2/3 seconds and deal .2 Shadow damage to them.

  • Skeleton Skirmishers

    • Damage increased by 30%.

    • Life increased by 10%.

    Skeleton Defenders

    • Damage increased by 30%.

    • Life increased by 10%.

    Skeleton Reaper

    • Damage increased by 20%.

    • Life increased by 10%.

    Skeleton Frost Mage

    • Damage increased by 20%.

    • Life increased by 10%.

    Skeleton Shadow Mage

    • Damage increased by 20%.

    • Life increased by 10%.

    Skeleton Sacrifice Mage

    • Damage increased by 20%.

    • Life increased by 10%.


    • Basic Attack Damage increased by 30%.

    • Life increased by 20%.

  • Cult Leader Legendary Node

    • Bonus Minion damage per 20% Attack Speed increased from 10% to 15%.

    Corporeal Glyph

    • Previous Additional Bonus: You and your minions deal 10%[x] increased Physical damage.

    • New: You and your Minions deal 10%[x] increased Physical damage and you gain 1% Movement Speed for each active Minion.

Diablo 4 Patch Notes 1.3.0   Class Updates Druid

Druid Class Balance Updates

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  • Storm's Companion

    • Ranks of Wolves increased from 2–3 to 3–4.

    • Storm Howl damage increased by 180%.

  • Earth Spike

    • Spirit Generation increased from 13 to 16.

    • Damage increased by 10%.

    Enhanced Earth Spike

    • Chance to Stun increased from 10% to 15%.

    Fierce Earth Spike

    • Fortify amount increased from 8% to 12% maximum Life.

    Wind Shear

    • Spirit Generation increased from 14 to 16.

    • Damage increased by 10%.

    Wild Wind Shear

    • Additional Spirit per enemy hit increased from 3 to 4.


    • Spirit Generation increased from 12 to 15.

    • Damage increased by 15%.

    Fierce Claw

    • Damage increased by 30%.


    • Spirit Generation increased from 17 to 20.

    • Damage increased by 10%.

    Enhanced Maul

    • Fortify amount increased from 3% to 5% max Life.

    Wild Maul

    • Knockdown duration increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds.


    • Passive damage increased by 30%.

    • Active damage increased by 45%.

    Poison Creepers

    • Passive damage increased by 30%.

    • Active damage increased by 40%.


    • Passive damage increased by 30%.

    • Active damage increased by 20%.

  • Quickshift

    • Damage bonus increased from 5/10/15% to 7/14/21%.

    Bestial Rampage

    • Damage bonus while in Werebear form increased from 30% to 50%.

    Ursine Strength

    • Damage and Overpower damage bonuses increased from 25% to 30%.

    Perfect Storm

    • Damage bonus increased from 15% to 20%.

  • Seismic Shift

    • Previous: Earth Spike launches spikes in a line and has a 2-1 second cooldown.

    • New: Earth Spike gains 35-50% bonus damage, launches spikes in a line, and has a 2–1 second Cooldown.

Diablo 4 Patch Notes 1.3.0   Class Updates Sorcerer

Sorcerer Class Balance Updates

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  • Incinerate

    • Damage increased by 40%.

    Enhanced Incinerate

    • Damage of Burn radius increased from 25% to 50%.

    Destructive Incinerate

    • Enemy damage reduced amount increased from 25% to 30%.

    Greater Incinerate

    • Immobilize duration increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds.


    • Damage increased by 15%.

    Ball Lightning

    • Damage increased by 10%.

  • Icy Veil

    • Barrier duration increased from 5% to 8%.

    Snap Freeze

    • Lucky Hit chance increased from 3% to 5%.


    • Previous: After Standing still for 1.5 Seconds, your Pyromancy Skills cost 5/10/15% less mana.

    • New: Your Pyromancy Skills cost 4% less Mana and deal 2% increased damage. Double these bonuses after standing still for 2 seconds.


    • Damage increased from 40% to 45%.

    Shocking Impact

    • Damage increased by 33%.

  • Frostbite Glyph

    • Damage Reduction increased from 13% to 15%.

    Invocation Glyph

    • Damage Reduction stacks increased from 12% to 15%.

    Stalagmite Glyph

    • Critical Strike Chance increased from 10% to 20%.

    Enchanter Glyph

    • Damage per 5 Intelligence purchased in range increased from +1.3% to +2%, maxing out at +10%.

    Conjurer Glyph

    • Damage per 5 Intelligence purchased in range increased from +2.6% to +3%, maxing out at +15%.

    Unleash Glyph

    • Damage and Mana Regeneration increased from 6.7% to 7%.

  • Of Searing Wards

    • Mana cost reduced from 100-200 to 75-125.

    Of Overwhelming Currents

    • Chance increased from 10-20% to 15-30%.

Diablo 4 Patch Notes 1.3.0   Class Updates Rogue

Rogue Class Balance Updates

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  • Eaglehorn

    • Damage bonus increased from 20-40% to 40-60%.

    Eyes in the Dark

    • Death Trap bonus damage increased from 30-50% to 50-70%.

    Writhing Band of Trickery

    • Cooldown to summon a Shadow Decoy reduced from 12 to 10 seconds.

    • Shadow Decoy damage increased by 20%.

  • Heartseeker

    • Attack Speed increased by 20%.

    • Dev Note: Lower the Power interrupt frames from 20 to 16.

    Forceful Arrow

    • Attack Speed increased by 20%.

    • Dev Note: Lower the Power interrupt frames from 20 to 16.


    • Damage increased by 10%.

    Improved Flurry

    • Previous: If Flurry hits any Vulnerable enemy, it will make all enemies hit by that cast Vulnerable for 3 seconds.

    • New: Flurry deals x20% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. If Flurry hits any Vulnerable enemy it will make all enemies hit by that cast Vulnerable for 3 seconds.

    Advanced Flurry

    • Previous: Evading through an enemy will cause your next Flurry to Stun enemies for 2.5 seconds.

    • New: Evading through an enemy will cause your next Flurry to deal x30% increased damage and Stun enemies for 2.5 seconds.

    Rapid Fire

    • Damage increased by 10%.

    Rain of Arrows

    • Damage increased by 10%.

  • Precision

    • Stacks required for bonuses reduced from 6 to 4.

  • Infusion Glyph

    • Cooldown reduction increased from .5 seconds to 1 second.

  • Of Encircling Blades

    • Damage bonus increased from 8-15% to 15-22%.

    Of Branching Volleys

    • Previous: Barrage's Arrows have 15-25% chance to split into two arrows whenever they ricochet.

    • New: Increase the damage of arrows that Ricochet from Barrage from 40% to 60-80%. In addition, Barrage’s arrows have a 40-60% chance to split into 2 arrows whenever they ricochet.


    • Damage increased from 80-100% base damage to 200-300%.

This sums up all that changed for every class in Diablo 4 in Season of the Construct after the Livestream Campfire Chat

I hope you found this helpful. Thanks for reading!

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The Gauntlet and Leaderboards are finally here in Diablo 4


Diablo 4: Patch Notes 1.3.3 Vampiric Powers and cheaper Uber Uniques crafting