Season 4 Itemization Changes

Season of Loot Reborn brings complete reworks and changes to the itemization in Diablo 4 and introduces two new endgame systems— Tempering and Masterworking. These changes are also paired with changes to affixes, Gems and Codex of Power and are applied to both Seasonal and Eternal Realms servers.

Item Updates

The number of affixes have been reduced on items (down to 3 on Legendary items, 2 on Rare items) and made more impactful. Instead of seeing an affix that relies on conditional values (+10% damage on non-injured Elites), you'll see affixes such as base increases to your Movement Speed, Max life, or single ranks of a Core Skill.

The number of items dropped have been reduced. Materials gained from Salvaging and Crafting have been adjusted to match this change. Also, Forgotten Souls can now be earned from Whisper bounties and are a rare drop from all Elites. The Gold cost to re-roll items when Enchanting now has a maximum, and the materials needed to perform all activities when at the Blacksmith have been reduced.

Now the World Tier you play affects the rarity of the items dropped:

  • Sacred or higher Items drop in World Tier III

  • Ancestral Items drop in World Tier IV

  • Legendary Items dropped from enemies over Level 95 and are 925 Item Power

  • Some Unique Items drop starting from World Tier I

  • All Unique Items drop from World Tier III

  • Uber Unique Items drop from enemies over Level 55 and are at max Item Power

Tempering System

New Items— Tempering Manuals and Crafting Manuals has been added to the game. All Blacksmiths in Sanctuary will be able to use these manuals to increase the qualities of your Items.

  • Tempering allows you to add potent affixes to your item.

  • Crafting Manuals drop as normal item. Once learned, can be used infinitely (like the new Codex of Power).

    Each Crafting Manual contains a small number of affixes, and corresponds to six different categories: Weapons, Offensive, Defensive, Mobility, Utility and Resource.

To Temper an Item just head over to any Blacksmith. *Ancestral items can have two Tempered affixes from different categories.

The Tempering Durability indicates how many times you can Temper an item. The manuals you learn on the Seasonal Realm last until the end of the season, and manuals learned on the Eternal Realm will be known permanently.

For full Guide on Masterworking and Tempering click the buttons below:

Masterworking System

Masterworking is an end-game crafting system. Upgrading your Weapons via masterworking requires materials earned from The Pit of Artificers.

Masterworking improves the overall strength of all affixes on your weapon, and at every 4th tier, massively upgrades one of your equipped affixes. The affix that receives the bonus will turn Blue. If the same affix is improved again, it will change to Yellow, and in rare cases, it will turn Orange if improved a third time.

If you hit the max level of Masterworking on a given weapon and you’re unsatisfied with the improvements on your weapon, you can reset and begin the process again.

For full Guide on Masterworking and Tempering click the buttons below:

Greater Affixes

Greater Affixes appear only on Ancestral Legendary and Unique Items. Greater Affixes are 1.5x more powerful versions of normal affixes. Items with Greater Affixes drop with a distinct audio cue, alerting you to their presence, and have a unique icon both in the world and within your inventory.

Starting from World Tier III and IV each affix on an item has a chance to be a Greater Affix. You cannot Enchant an affix into a Greater Affix.

Before you continue reading, I just wanted to let you know that we are giving away 20x Battle Pass codes for Season of Loot Reborn in Diablo 4, check out our Giveaways Page for more detail.


Gems have been simplified. Crude Gems have been removed, and crafting levels have been reverted:

  • Normals Gems are available at Level 51.

  • Flawless Gems are available at Level 71.

  • Royal Gems are available at Level 91.

  • Diamonds have had their All Resistance values increased.

  • Topaz now provide increases to Intelligence

  • Sapphires now provide increases to Willpower.

  • Amethyst now provide increases to Strength.

  • Emeralds now provide increases to Dexterity.

Codex of Power Updates

Extracting Aspects from Legendary items now stores them in your Codex of Power to be used indefinitely. Instead of taking up space in your inventory, the Codex of Power is a library that stores your most-powerful extracted version of that Aspect, which can be used as many times as you want.

The Codex of Power displays all available Aspects, so you can spend more time seeking the highest Aspect rolls possible. Once the Aspect with the maximum potential value is extracted, a specific border indicates the Aspect has been completed.

Aspects can now be favorited within the Codex of Power, and a tooltip will denote whether you already have that Aspect equipped when searching within the Codex. Note that in the Seasonal Realm, when the Season ends, your Codex of Power will reset and retain those learned affixes for the Eternal Realm. If you already have the same Aspect learned in the Eternal Realm, the Codex of Power will keep the higher of the two.

I hope you found this helpful. Thanks for reading!

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Masterworking Guide Diablo 4


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